Monday, August 14, 2006

A Poll

Not a real poll, because I don't know if blogger has a poll feature, or how to use it if we do. But, gentle reader, you can answer in the comments. Do you ever read (or watch, I guess) Harry Potter and wish you were Professor Snape?

I mean honestly. How does he get away with it all? Not the Death Eater stuff, the way he carries on in class. Why doesn't Dumbledore ever make schoolwide policies in order to curb his specific antisocial behaviors? And why don't the students bust out laughing when he makes his infamous "dunderheads" speech on the first day?

JK Rowling often gets asked in interviews what magical power out of her books she would like to have (she always says flying). I want some of whatever Snape's on.


Blogger Lauren said...

It's because Snape is secretly a total genius -- he's so beyond our capacity to understand. He can get away with anything because he's smart. He's basically your averaged tenure professor but with magical powers.

11:01 PM  
Blogger ProfessorDog said...

Oh, is that it? I occasionally have daydreams about going into my Lit class and saying, "There will be little foolish wand-waving and silly incantations in my class. I'm going to teach you about the subtle science and exact art of Anglo-saxon, Medieval, Renaissance, and Restoration literature. To understand the poetry of Beowulf and the crude humor of Chaucer. To appreciate Shakespeare's blank verse and Milton's sexy satan. That is, if you don't fuck yourselves over by acting like idiots and wasting everyone's time."

But if I did? They'd laugh me out of the room. And not because any of them got the joke, either. Laughing at, they'd be, not with.

2:40 AM  
Blogger hestiahomeschool said...

I only teach my own children, and whatever stray child that wanders into my home, so I am in a very different situation than you are. My kids LIKE to learn, actually follow me around bugging me to "do school" to avoid doing house cleaning or other things (and I sometime shide from them so I can read or blog or do something else.)

Snape baffles me, too, in that I am surprised that he is allowed to be so mean to his students. My kids would kick my butt if I tried to act like him. (I am not at the top of the totem pole around here.)
However, two of my girls would definitely be in Slytherin, so they might respond well to someone who could actually pull off your speech. They would understand who you were impersonating.
love, Kas

9:34 AM  
Blogger Meg said...

haha I actually have students who call me McGonagall, but Snape? Why? Don't we butt heads with the administration enough w/out adding that whole good vs. evil clash to the mix?

1:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my.

You know, I never really thought of the concept of instructors I would love to emulate but can't because my contract would be terminated in a heartbeat.

But yes. I want to be Snape. Just for a day... Okay, a semester...

Can I stop lying and just say "for every class I will teach from now to the end of all things"?

1:28 AM  

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